All Valley Rehabilitation, Spine and Pain Institute

Facet Injections

Pain Medicine, Interventional Pain Medicine & Rehabilitation and Pain Management Physician Specialist located in Edinburg, TX

Facet Injections

Consider facet injections if you have back pain caused by arthritis, trauma, or joint instability. At All Valley Rehabilitation, Spine and Pain Institute, in Edinburg, Texas, board-certified physiatrist and pain medicine specialist Nashin Manohar, DO, uses facet injections to relieve neck and back pain. The quick, outpatient procedure reduces pain and inflammation for months. Call All Valley Rehabilitation, Spine and Pain Institute today to schedule a facet injection consultation, or book your appointment online.

Facet Injections Q & A

What are facet injections?

A facet injection is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that relieves facet joint pain. Your facet joints connect the bones (vertebra) in your spine, helping you bend, twist, and move in other ways.

What are facet injections used to treat?

At All Valley Rehabilitation, Spine and Pain Institute, Dr. Manohar uses facet injections to treat various causes of facet joint pain, including:

  • Joint instability
  • Traumatic injury (for example, car accidents or workplace injuries)
  • Impingement (excessive pressure) of joint tissue
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Inflammation of the joint lining

Sometimes, Dr. Manohar uses facet injections to help diagnose facet joint pain.

What happens during a facet joint injection?

At All Valley Rehabilitation, Spine and Pain Institute, facet joint injections take 30-45 minutes. You’re awake during the procedure, but Dr. Manohar might prescribe a mild sedative if you have a low pain tolerance or sensitive skin.

On the day of your procedure, you lie face down on an exam table. Dr. Manohar cleans and sterilizes your skin near the injection site and covers it with a drape to prevent contamination. He administers a local anesthetic, numbing your skin and the surrounding tissue.

Dr. Manohar uses ultrasound-guided imaging to insert a thin needle through your skin and into the affected facet joint. Once the needle is in position, he injects a steroid and pain reliever into the joint. 

If you have pain in more than one facet joint, Dr. Manohar repeats the same steps using a clean needle for each injection.

Are facet injections painful?

Facet joint injections are safe and usually well-tolerated. During treatment, it’s normal to feel a mild pinch or stinging sensation when the needle pierces your skin, but any discomfort should ease quickly.

After the anesthetic wears off, you could have mild swelling or bruising at or around the injection site. Dr. Manohar provides care instructions and explains how to prevent complications.

How long do the effects of facet joint injections last?

Facet joint injections provide pain relief for an average of three months, but your results might last longer. If you notice your pain coming back, contact Dr. Manohar. It’s safe to administer up to three facet joint treatments per year.

Call All Valley Rehabilitation, Spine and Pain Institute today to schedule a facet joint injection consultation, or book your visit online.